Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why Not Shop In Your Own Closet?

Ok let's talk...we all wish we had one of those luxurious, huge, walk-in closets you see in all celebrity homes right? Some of you may actually have one like that. However, if it's messy, it doesn't even matter! I have a decent size closet for my home. It's a semi walk-in (well supposed to be without the shoes taking over the entire floor) and its separate from my hubby's so it's all mine. It was just so cluttered.
I couldn't find anything to wear even though I had a very full closet!
My mission had prioritize and organize my closet!

Lets be honest...we tend to wear our favorite pieces over and over again! Take note of what it is about those pieces you love! Is it the colors? The way it fits? Then on those pieces you never wear, ask
yourself why and then try to follow my general purge rule...if you haven't worn it in 6 months or more, get rid of it...donate it!

2)Stop shopping (as much):
I admit I'm a shopaholic on a budget. If it's on clearance, I convince myself that I need it and it's ok because it's on sale right? Wrong! It ends up sitting in my closet never worn and  just taking up valuable real estate! I've decided on quality over quantity and versatile pieces that I can mix and match.

3)Empty out your closet:
In order to get a real fresh start to your new closet it's important to completely empty it out and dust shelves and clean floors. Also, you may find clothing squeezed in between other clothes that you completely forgot about because you couldn't even see them! Hence the title about shopping in your own closet.
My clothes were so closely hung together that it was too much work trying to look for different options to wear so I would wear the easy accessible clothes over and over. After removing all my clothes, I found clothes I forgot I have and cannot wait to wear them!

Although this is still a work in progress for me personally, it is a good idea to invest in good hangers. I find that the felt hangers work the best. The clothes grip on very well. If you buy a few at a time until all your plastic ones are replaced, it can be budget-friendly. These can be found at most stores like Target or Wal-Mart.

5)(Last but not least)Color Coordination:
Arranging your clothes by color is the best idea! You can easily find what you want to wear. It's appealing to the eye and makes your closet feel like your own private boutique! Also, I realized by arranging by color, that I don't own anything yellow and the fact that orange is my favorite color, I didn't own very much in that color!

As for shoes and handbags, I had plenty of shelf space that with my hubby's help, he cut two wood boards to size and placed them on two of my shelves so I could store my less worn shoes on them and more often used shoes on the floor in a single row for quicker, easier access.
My handbags went in the higher shelves. I kept my mini stepladder folded away in the closet to get my handbags whenever I needed a change.
Now I just absolutely love walking into my closet. I just stand there in awe of how nice and organized it looks. The rainbow of colors and accessories make it so much more easier to look at and find something to wear so easily. I'm also saving a lot of time getting ready. I hope I can keep it up and make it last!
So what's in your closet? 

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